Ever found yourself changing permissions recursively and then realise you used the wrong permissions? Unfortunately, I have. Don’t know if it was due to lack of sleep or caffeine but it just did. Due to my bad handling, I had a few folders where the permissions got screwed up. The folders that I needed to … Continue reading Recursively fix bad file permissions
Tag: apple
Every ruby developer will probably use some kind of ruby version manager. As far as I know, it all started with rvm. Rvm has a ton of features, but I never really was fan. Most of the features that are available where not necessary for me. So since I wanted a minimal tool to manage … Continue reading Chruby: ruby version manager
Having a dynamic IP-address at home, I sometimes need to lookup what my public IP is. There plenty of choices in sites that will display your remote IP. But it’s always such a hassle. I never remember one specific site, so I always pass Google and most of the time, I don’t have a browser … Continue reading Show your public IP from the command line
Changing permissions can be tricky, because either way, permissions are on of the corner stones of security. It could be that you want to change permissions recursively on all folders, but not on files, and vice versa. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t take that into account. So here’s a quick tip on how to achieve … Continue reading Set recursive permissions on only files or directories
Some time ago, I experienced some connectivity issues from my host machines. SSH connections got dropped as well as other connections like irc. Since the disconnections occurred very randomly, it was not easy to determine what the problem was. Thanks to @svg, I used used a tool called MTR. MTR is a great network diagnostic … Continue reading Connectivity testing with MTR
Small update on the TimeMachine & Network Drive setup. Since I have a new MacPro, I wanted to enable TimeMachine on it. Note that this install is a fresh Snow Leopard installation, and that my MacBook is a Leopard. I took the steps as I discribed them myself, but it seemed that TM was still … Continue reading Time Machine & Network Drive – SNOW LEOPARD UPDATE
Ok, while setting up my working environment, I had to define vhosts for the sites/applications I’m working on. So here is how I configured Apache. sudo vi +/’# Virtual hosts’ /etc/apache2/httpd.conf This text will open the httpd.conf file and set the cursor at the first line where he encounters the string # Virtual hosts. Now, … Continue reading Snow Leopard Apache vhosts
After I got a MacBook from work last year, I really enjoyed working with OSX. Everything ran smooth, the user interface is polished and I could still do everything I did on Linux and Windows. But a notebook is still a notebook. The screen is not optimised to do heavy programming work (13″) so I … Continue reading My Mac Pro Early 2009 Octo-core
One of the main reasons I switched to Mac was the fact that the user interface is polished and I still maintain the power and freedom I find Linux. But one downside in Mac Terminal is that there is no standard syntax highlighting. So here is some info how I got to enable some basic … Continue reading Enable syntax highlighting in Mac OSX Snow Leopard
Just got my new MacPro this weekend. After installing my common applications, I had to install my development tools as well. These are the instructions to install MySQL 64-bit version on OS X Snow Leopard. First of all, note that we are going to install MySQL compiling from source. So make sure you have installed … Continue reading Installing MySQL on Snow Leopard