Getting started with configuration management: Ansible

Lately I’ve been working on configuration management for my infrastructure. Since I started freelancing, the number of clients have grown and so did my infrastructure. Managing one server isn’t a daunting task, but from the moment you need to expand, things get more serious. At this point, my infrastructure consists of 1 database server, 1 … Continue reading Getting started with configuration management: Ansible

Testing your ruby command-line tools

Creating a command-line app in ruby might be fun, being able to test them is just as important as testing any other web application. But you can do this with Aruba. Aruba is a Cucumber extension for testing command-line applications written in any language. Passing arguments, interacting with the file system, capturing exist codes en mimicking … Continue reading Testing your ruby command-line tools

Ubuntu Virtualbox: Setting High Screen Resolutions

Virtualizing environments these days is a breeze. The simplest way of doing so is using Oracle Virtualbox . One thing I’ve noticed installing Ubuntu 12.04 was the fact that I was unable to select 800×600 or 1024×768 in screen resolution. It turns out that you are obligated installing the virtualbox guest additions. Fire up your terminal and … Continue reading Ubuntu Virtualbox: Setting High Screen Resolutions

Git workflow: master – origin – upstream – and production

Setting up a git workflow might be a tedious task, but can save you a lot of troubles over time. For me, this particular quest started when I wanted to use Chiliproject to manage my client projects. Not only did I wanted to easily configure and deploy it, I also wanted to contribute to it, … Continue reading Git workflow: master – origin – upstream – and production