Although this might seem a common practice, you would be surprised how many times I come across projects that contain passwords and tokens. When connecting your application tot 3rd party services or even simpler than that, do you commit your production database settings in your repository ass well? Do all team member need access to … Continue reading Don’t commit sensitive data
Tag: versioning
Setting up a git workflow might be a tedious task, but can save you a lot of troubles over time. For me, this particular quest started when I wanted to use Chiliproject to manage my client projects. Not only did I wanted to easily configure and deploy it, I also wanted to contribute to it, … Continue reading Git workflow: master – origin – upstream – and production
I had a small problem on my Mac when I wanted to rebuild a subversion repo. When I worked on windows, I just searched the project folder for .svn folders. But on Mac and Linux, thats another story. Thankfully for the command-line, one quick command, and the problem is fixed: find . | grep .svn$ … Continue reading Remove hidden .svn folders from command-line